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Dec 20, 2008

TN Cotton Arrivals Expected On Jan-2009

The recent rains all over Tamil Nadu have strengthened the cotton bolls of standing crops, as arrivals were expected by January next, according to South India Cotton Association (SICA), here. The volume of rain fed cotton may not be more than last season, as initial delay in rain has affected the sowing plan and pattern, SICA in its report for the month of November, it said. The raw cotton lint prices remained steady, despite low demand from the domestic cotton consuming mills, due to slower arrivals in major markets of the Country, it said.

However, the seed cotton arrivals all over India was about 20 per cent lower than the same period, last season. As J-34 Saw Ginned ruled at Rs.2100 to Rs.2250 per maund spot, prices maintained a steady trend on the lower side with small fluctuation, in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. Cotton prices continued to rule at lower quotes with market intervention by Cotton Corporation of India on MSP prices and Shankar-6 quoted at Rs.21,400 to Rs.21,800 and V797 at Rs.15,600 to Rs.16,000 per candy spot in Gujarat, it said.

Lint prices followed a depressed tendency as less takeRs for cotton during the fiRst fortnight of Nov in Madhya Pradesh, where Mech1/H4 ruled at Rs.21,500 to Rs.22,000 per candy spot. Prices ruled between Rs.21,200 and Rs.22,500 per candy spot for staple28mm to 30mm in Maharashtra, while MCU5 ruled at Rs.22,800 to Rs.24,000 per candy spot in Andhra Pradesh. DCH 32 ruled between Rs.27,500 and Rs.28,500 per candy spot, indicating a steady to fairly easy tendency in Karnataka, SICA said.

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