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Sep 14, 2007

Last chance for law students with arrears

All candidates of the BL degree course, irrespective of the year of admission (registered under the Bharathiar University) and who have arrears, can clear the same before April 2008.According to a release from B. Krishnamurthy, Controller of Examinations, Bharathiar University, application forms for the November examinations can be collected either in person or by post from the Principal, Coimbatore Law college from September 20 by enclosing a self-addressed envelope (28 cms x 13 cms) for Rs. 10, with a requisition specifying the course, year of admission and register number.

The filled-in applications can be sent directly to the Controller of Examinations, Bharathiar University, along with the necessary fees and the signature of the Principal on the application. Fees should be paid in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Registrar, Bharathiar University”, payable at Coimbatore.The last date for receipt of filled-in applications along with fees is September 29. Applications will be entertained till October 5 along with a fine of Rs. 60. For a detailed time-table, the students have been told to keep in touch with the college.

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