Job fair

Fair is restricted to the graduate batch of 2006,2007 and 2008
Candidates will be offered careers across diverse industry verticals including banking, financial services, insurance, IT, ITES, retail, fast moving consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, telecom, etc.Candidates will have to register at the venue by paying Rs. 200 for the examination that will be conducted by the firm. The Graduate Entrance Test (GET) will be of two hours’ duration. Results will be intimated to candidates through e-mail, SMS, or through the college placement offices within seven days.Selected candidates will participate in the interview that will be held consecutively.
Selection will be based on the candidate’s test scores, CAVG in Graduate program, prior work-experience / project exposure, etc.Candidates are requested to bring a copy of their resume with two passport-size photographs and relevant testimonials with college ID and a personal photo ID. There will be three batches for the tests. Registration will begin at 8.30 a.m. Tests will go on to 4 p.m. For details, visit