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Jun 17, 2008

7th Professional Course Convocation

Union Minister of State for Forests and Wildlife Sevugan Raghupathy presenting a gold medal to B. Ranjith at the convocation of the State Forest Service College in Coimbatore on Monday. The damage caused to natural eco-systems had outweighed the absorbing capacity of nature leaving adverse impact affecting all life forms, including the human beings, the Union Minister of State for Forests and Wildlife, Sevugan Raghupathy, said here on Monday.

He was speaking at the seventh Professional Course Convocation at the State Forest Service College. Twenty-three State Forest Rangers from Kerala passed out after completing the 18-month course. Mr. Raghupathy said that India still had rich forests thanks to the scientific management of forests over the last 150 years. Indian culture always glorified the co-existence of man with other forms of life. Our traditions, beliefs, customs and philosophies all have great reverence for nature. The present day generation inherited from forefathers, a very pristine environment to live in, with very rich forests, wildlife and other resources.

He said that the present day generation had not been so kind, as it had forsaken the co-existence to dominate other life forms. Population explosion coupled with human greed and their insensitivity towards fellow being had caused severe damage to eco-system. This had forced a good section of society to introspect upon their past actions and to initiate corrective steps. Officers passing out completion of training are the future custodians of rich forest wealth. Considered an exclusive domain of men, today women were entering the service in good numbers. India being one of the few mega diversity countries in the world was known for scientific management of forests and Coimbatore had played a pivotal role in the same.

During the recent decades, there had been an increased awareness towards conservation of our natural resources. There was a new found respect for nature. The Union Government was making all efforts to protect the existing flora and fauna wealth of India and at the same time, it had also increased the forest cover of the country. It would be neither possible nor desirable for Governments to reserve to themselves the responsibility of, or the authority for, ensuring sustainable development. It is a task that called for the participation of all.

The success of ecological restoration and conservation lied in garnering the widespread support of the people, both rural and urban, particularly the poor, the disadvantages and the deprived.Rural Industries and Animal Husbandry Minister Pongalur N. Palanisamy said that India with a largest population for ensuring food security to its people required water and water resources were largely dependent on the conservation of ecology. There was a sustained effort to enhance the forest cover.

Ajay Kumar, Director of Forest Education and Jose T. Mathew, Principal of the State Forest Service College spoke. B. Ranjith bagged the gold medal for the highest marks and two other silver medals while S.V. Vinod bagged two other silver medals.

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