Financial Assistance

Under this incentive scheme, day scholars from Standards I to V would be eligible for Rs.100 a month for 10 months. Students of Standards VI to X would be eligible for reimbursement of the actual admission fee remitted, subject to a maximum of Rs.500. They would also be eligible for the actual tuition fee remitted, subject to a maximum of Rs.350. They could get the actual maintenance fee remitted, subject to a maximum of Rs. 600.
The beneficiaries should have scored a minimum of 50 per cent in the annual examinations the previous year and should not have received any other financial assistance for education under the schemes of the Backward Classes and Adi Dravidar Welfare Department.The students should have had regular attendance in classes and their parents’ income per annum should not be more than Rs.1 lakh. Income proof should be submitted in the prescribed format on a stamp paper of the denomination of Rs. 10.