Unannounced Power Cuts Killing Everbody
However, the units continued to be hit by power cuts. It was not feasible for all foundries to use generator sets. Several small-scale units switched over to generator sets when there was no power supply. However, problems in getting bulk diesel in retail outlets was also becoming an area of concern to several units now, he said. Jayakumar Ramdass, president of the Southern India Engineering Manufacturers’ Association, said disruption in power supply and the diesel shortage for generator sets was a problem for all the industries.
This affected the entire production process in the units. The textile units stopped production when there was no power supply and this affected the machinery and quality of products, said an official at the Southern India Mills’ Association. Oil corporation sources here said industrial units that needed diesel for captive power plants or machinery should approach the corporation directly rather than going in for bulk purchase from retail outlets. If the units met the safety standards for bulk storage, their request would not be turned down. However, bulk offtake from retail outlets was discouraged since market forces could resort to hoarding and black marketing, they said.