Last Date Extened

With January 1, 2008 as the qualifying date, eligible voters who had attained the age of 18 and whose names are missing in the rolls, could file in their application forms for inclusion and deletion at the designated schools i.e., polling stations. Forms for inclusion could be filed in Form Numbers six and 001A along with passport size photographs in colour besides age and residence proof. For deletion of names, Form Number seven had to be filed and for corrections Form Numbers eight or eight A would have to be filed along with 001A.
The procedures to be adopted included, application forms should be either handwritten, typewritten, computer print out or photostat copies and all mandatory sections should be filled in besides enclosing residence proof (PDS family card, bank pass book), age proof (birth certificate, transfer certificate photostat copies and in the event of both the certificates available a written and signed declaration from the parent should be enclosed) and passport size photographs.Those seeking inclusion of names in new residential address area should furnish information relating to their old address and whether their names figured in the electoral rolls and whether they had photo voter ID card and if so the number should also be mentioned.