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Oct 7, 2008

Indian Psychiatric Society Conference

Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Subbulakshmi Jagadeesan releasing a souvenir at the annual conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society- South Zone, held in the city. Mayor R.Venkatachalam (left) is in the picture. Organisations should ensure that employees are mentally healthy, said Subbulakshmi Jagadeesan, Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, here on Friday. Inaugurating the Annual Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society - South Zone, she said companies should offer clinical and rehabilitative support to employees in issues concerning mental health as the progress of the organisation depended on the productivity of its employees.

In this competitive world, a lot of young professionals were sucked into the quick sand of stress. High stress levels led to severe problems in career, marital and sexual life. Employers should therefore organise preventive measures as far as stress-related mental illnesses were concerned. They should also enforce prohibitive rules on alcohol and drug use in the workplace. With a higher disposable income and unrestricted freedom, more and more youth were getting addicted to drugs and alcohol. What started as ‘partying’ and ‘having fun with friends’ often led to serious cases of addiction, she pointed out.

In a seminar on ‘workplace addictions’ organised by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in Chennai last year, the importance of freeing work places of alcohol and drugs were stressed. Industrialists and IT companies said they would introduce yoga and meditation facilities for the welfare of their employees. The Minister urged the Indian Psychiatric Society to find practical solutions to the problem of the mentally ill destitutes wandering about the streets. “We cannot achieve total development until the last mentally ill person is taken care of,” she said. Mayor R.Venkatachalam pointed out that the youth were prone to stress-related mental ill health owing to changing lifestyle. Also, those working as bus drivers and in the police forces were constantly under stress.

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