Continue Activity-based Learning Project, Govt. Told

The non-profit trust organised a seminar on ABL here recently to create awareness on the concept of learning through activities and educate parents, teachers, social organisations and the public on the advantages of the method. The aim of the seminar was to urge the government not to heed to the protests from a few teachers’ unions against the implementation of the project.
“The new teachers recruited by the government are enthusiastic to adopt the method of teaching. But, those who follow the old school of thought are hesitant to do so,” Mr. Dhandapani said. Under the ABL, the role of a teacher was that of a facilitator. According to M.P. Vijayakumar, Advisor to SSA and member of the National Resource Group of Ministry of Human Resource Development, the protesting teachers unions’ allegation is that ABL forces children to migrate to private schools. The drift from government schools to private schools had been happening for a long time. But, it was owing to poor English language teaching in government schools and not ABL, Mr. Vijayakumar pointed out.
On the contrary, there had been a quantum jump in the performance of the children after the introduction of ABL. The government would continue with ABL as it provided a conducive environment for intellectual growth of the child, he added. A national project undertaken by the SSA, the ABL was a step towards refining primary school education in the country. Orientation and intensive training were given to the teachers and the schools in Tamil Nadu were doing well in the project. For students in upper primary and high schools, the concept of active learning methodology was followed. S. Subramanian from the Tamil Nadu Science Forum attended the seminar.