Online Return Filing From Jan -09 Onwards

The Department had conducted meetings with The Coimbatore District Small Industries Association, Chamber of Commerce and the Southern India Mills’ Association to organise training programmes and workshops for dealers. Help desks and facilitation centres would also be set up for the benefit of small traders to learn how to file returns online. They could also log on to the department’s website,, which had all the details regarding the process. A demonstration was available on the website too.
The facility would reduce complaints of harassment, Mr. Kumar said. Dealers could contact the department for facilities regarding infrastructure and technical know-how. The department would also introduce online payment of taxes. The facility would start functioning from January next year across the State. Dealers could also request forms online. The system would help reduce wastage, he said. A fast track clearing system (FTCS) at check posts had already been introduced which helped in reducing the time taken at check posts.
Transporters could enter the particulars of the transport on the website (mentioned above) and they could produce the acknowledgement receipt at the check post, he said. The Joint Commissioner appealed to transporters to make use of the facility. Dealers who had arrears from April, 1991 to March 31, 2002, which were not pending in the High Court or Supreme Court, could hand over their applications to the Joint Commissioner.
This first-time arrear settlement scheme would be in effect for only three months (from November to January 31.) The Joint Commissioner also requested dealers to start filing their return from the 15th of every month. Though the 20th of every month was the last date for filing returns, every one filed it only on the last two days. This often led to the load being heavy and the server slowing down, he said.