Lecture Notes Of 4th SERC School On Aviation Meteorology Released

Inaugurating the IV SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council) School on Aviation Meteorology in “Modern Observational Techniques and Nowcasting” at the Air Force Administrative College (AFAC), he expressed concern over the lack of focussed thrust on weather forecasting by public, academicians and also professionals. “Everybody wakes up only after natural calamities have caused devastation. There is not a fool-proof weather forecasting system that gives correct prediction or warning. We have to put to use the numerous forecasting techniques available to us thanks to technology,” Mr. Thiruvasagam said.
Wing Commander A.P. Serrao, Command Meteorological Officer, Headquarters, Training Command, said that an explosion in air traffic had made forecasting a vital issue. “For the military aviator, the knowledge of meteorology becomes even more critical. Inaccurate forecasting has led to inaccurate landing. There exists a need for improved forecasting. More than forecasting, the present thrust is on nowcasting – forecasting within two hours,” he asserted.
Representatives from various universities, organisations, Indian Meteorological Department, the Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Coast Guard, etc., are expected to attend. Air Commodore S. Subramanian, Commandant, AFAC, and Group Captain B.C. Pant, Chief Instructor, Meteorology, AFAC, spoke. The School, jointly organised by Bharathiar University and AFAC, and sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, would conclude on December 20.