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Jan 5, 2009

Police Commissioner Enforcing Compulsory Helmet Rule

City Police Commissioner K.C. Mahali said that the police would focus on enforcing the compulsory helmet rule. Mr. Mahali said of the 309 people killed in road accidents in 2008, 131 were two-wheeler riders who were not wearing helmets and died of head injuries. On January 1, 2009, 375 two-wheeler riders were fined for violation of road rules. The penalty for riding a two-wheeler without helmet is Rs. 100.

Mr. Mahali said that during the previous year, the police never enforced the compulsory helmet rule and on every occasion they kept exhorting the two-wheeler users to wear head gears for their own safety. With the culture of compliance from the public proving to be very low and loss of lives on roads due to accidents continuing to be high, the police had decided to enforce the rule.

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