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Mar 7, 2009

M. Annadurai In Graduation Day Of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College

Winners recognise their limitations but focus on their strengths. Losers, on the other hand, recognise their strengths but focus on their weaknesses. We are all gifted with some strengths. Chance will favour only prepared minds, M. Annadurai, Project Director, Chandrayaan – 1, said here recently. Speaking at the graduation day of the Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, he urged the young graduates to look at their strength, harness and develop it to make their life more purposeful.

Elaborating on the moon mission, Mr. Annadurai said the success of Chandrayaan – 1 was symbolic to show what India could be in the future. “It demonstrated how India could lead a team of technical and scientific experts from internationally reputed organisations to realise an ambitious mission like Chandrayaan –1. Harmonising the efforts of the team members placed in geographically dislocated places towards realising a common goal with the allotted budget demonstrates how a difficult situation was converted into a historic opportunity,” he said.

He urged the graduates to prepare themselves methodically. “There may be setbacks in your life. Setbacks are inevitable. It should act as a driving force to learn from that experience. Only then you will be able to turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone,” he asserted. Mr. Annadurai said the graduates were entering into a world that offered great many challenges, competition and opportunities. There were challenges in the form of energy issues, global warming, etc. The economic meltdown that was happening would give them immense possibilities to learn and progress. He distributed degree certificates to the candidates.

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