Universalisation of education- mission of SSA’

“Documenting all good practices and fund flow and making records of them are essential. Some States and districts are very good in this. They should share their experiences with the Technical Support Group of SSA and also the Ministry of Human Resource Development,” Mr. Gautam said.He exhorted the various district and State representatives to ensure that the norms put forth by the Ministry of Rural Development for construction of toilets and water purification systems be followed. Even though third party evaluation of civil works was important and should be a part of the process from start to end, he stressed that quality assurance was more important.
R. Venkatesan, Project Director, Tamil Nadu, speaking on the implementation of SSA civil works in the State, expressed happiness that this year the Government of India had allotted a substantial amount for civil works. “This time, in addition to construction of classrooms, we will be procuring furniture and also constructing compound walls. All civil works are being implemented by the Village Education Committees.”He was also happy that the drop-out rate of primary school children had declined from 13 per cent in 2002-03 to 1.9 per cent in 2008-09. There was also a steady increase in the Net Enrolment Rate.Representatives from other States made presentations of their respective SSA civil works.