CII released Dream Coimbatore
Coimbatore was one of the largest cities in the State and with enhanced infrastructure and better connectivity the region could do better.Its citizens had a structured dream and the CII would capture these through contests for students and public.It would organise short-film and photography contests for the public and essay-writing and painting competitions for students.
The painting competition would be held in the first week of October for students of classes VIII to XII.The theme would be “Vision 2025 for Coimbatore”.The photography contest would have two concepts: what Coimbatore can do without and Choose what you are proud of in Coimbatore. The last date for these was September 30.The short-film competition would be on “Limelight of Coimbatore”.The documentary should be for three to 10 minutes.
For details, contact the CII (0422-2244709).