Conference On Hip Resurfacing
In India, over 40 per cent of the people over 50 were suffering from hip or knee arthritis
The conference would involve case discussions, lectures and workshops. Its main aim was to educate other surgeons and create awareness among the doctors on hip resurfacing surgery, Dr. Balasubramanian said. The surgery had revolutionised the treatment options for patients suffering from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and avascular necrosis (a condition in which blood supply to the hip joint is reduced). It was a pain-free process and enabled the patients to sit on the floor, squat, dance and jog without risk of dislocation.
In India, over 40 per cent of the people over 50 were suffering from hip or knee arthritis, Dr. Balasubramanian noted. However, food habits, lifestyle and obesity had led to incidence of arthritis among the youth too. Professor Rocco Pito from New Zealand would perform live surgeries at the workshop. He would use minimally invasive methods for the surgery. A 25-year-old boy with rheumatoid arthritis would be operated upon at the live surgery session.