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Sep 26, 2008

Painting Exhibition

A.C. Rajasekaran (left) and K. Srinivasan with their work at the Kasthuri Sreenivasan Art Gallery. An exhibition of their paintings is on upto September 30. K. Srinivasan and A.C. Rajesekharan, artists from Chennai, are showcasing their works at the Kasthuri Sreenivasan Art Gallery. Mr. Srinivasan specialises in abstract forms. Mr. Rajasekaran’s works include still-life paintings in oil, acrylic and crayon. Mr. Srinivasan’s works are priced between Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 20,000 and that of Mr. Rajasekaran are between Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 35,000. For details, call 0422-2574110.

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