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Oct 10, 2008

Public Grievances Meeting

In an effort to reach out to the public to ascertain their grievances regarding Public Distribution System (PDS), the district administration has planned to conduct grievance redressal programmes in all the nine taluks in the district on October 10 (Friday) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In Coimbatore North Taluk the meeting will be held at Government High School, Thadagam, In Coimbatore South Taluk the meeting would be at Vazhukkuparai Panchayat office, S. Kumarapalayam panchayat office in Palladam taluk, Sembianallur panchayat office in Avanashi, Pellepalayam panchayat office in Mettuppalayam, Iduvai panchayat in Tirupur taluk, Pukkulam panchayat in Udumalpet, Kovilpalayam panchayat in Pollachi and Shekkalmudi Government aided school in Valparai.

The grievance meeting will be presided over by officers in the rank of District Revenue Officer, Revenue Divisional Officer, Sub-Collectors, Deputy Registrar, Deputy Collectors. Residents could voice their grievances regarding public distribution system family cards such as address change, distribution of commodities, submission of application seeking new cards.

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