CRISIL Rated C/P4 To Lakshmi Mills

- Rs 78 million Cash Credit C (Assigned)
- Rs 148 million Working Capital Demand Loan C (Assigned)
- Rs 699.50 million Long Term Loan C (Assigned)
- Rs 14 million Packing Credit P4 (Assigned)
- Rs 20 million Bills Purchase-Discounting Facility P4 (Assigned)
- Rs 246.50 million Letter of Credit P4 (Assigned)
- Rs 56 million Bank Guarantee P4 (Assigned)
- Rs 100 million Export Forward Cover P4 (Assigned)
*Rs 20 million interchangeable with Letter of Credit limit
The rating also takes into account Lakshmi Mill`s (Q, N,C,F)* weak financial profile and exposure to volatile raw material prices. CRISIL believes that the liquidity pressure on the company will remain over the medium term in view of the current situation in the textile industry, coupled with the company`s weak financial profile.
Lakshmi Mills, based in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, was formed in 1910. The company has manufacturing units at Palladam, Kovilpatti, and Coimbatore. Lakshmi Mills is primarily a spinning company, with a capacity of 0.14 million spindles, and produces cotton and polyester blended yarn. A small portion of Lakshmi Mills revenues is also from grey fabrics (the company has 114 looms) and made-ups; the company sells made-ups under its own brand, Tyche and has outlets in Chennai, Coimbatore and Kovilpatti.