கோயம்புத்தூர் நேரலை - இது கோவையின் இதயதுடிப்பு
The continuous lok adalat held at the District Sessions Court complex on Sunday resolved 12 matrimonial dispute cases and two cases regarding motor vehicle accident claims. On instructions from the Principal District Sessions Judge, G. Chockalingam, Secretary of the District Legal Services Authority and Sub-Judge G. Narayanan had organised the lok adalat, which was presided over by four retired district judges - T. Palanisivagurunathan, R. Balasubramanian, S. Shanmugam and R. Raju. Because of the boycott by advocates, only 14 cases were taken up. The matrimonial disputes were resolved through mutual consent for divorce while accident claim petitions were resolved by awarding compensation of Rs. 1.90 lakh in total.
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