Health Expo Organised By Ganga Hospital

The objective of the Mediscience and Health Exhibition 2009 is to create awareness on preventive medicine, give an insight into the great strides achieved in the health sciences, educate the children on road safety measures and impress upon them to learn first aid. According to a release from S.Rajasekaran, Director of the hospital, the expo showcases the advances made in orthopaedics, plastic surgery and microsurgery, neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, neonatology, anaesthesiology, burns, physiotherapy, transfusion medicine, diabetology, intensive care medicine and facio-maxillary surgery.
The obstetrics stall hosts a video show depicting the growth of the foetus inside the mother’s womb and the various stages of its development. The Intensive Care Unit stall delineates the advances made in the treatment of critically-ill patients. The Anaesthesia stall illustrates the advancements made in local and region-wise anaesthesia which helps in speedy recovery of the patients. Students also get an opportunity to learn about advanced surgical techniques.
Various organ system models of the body including caridovasuclar, respiratory, central nervous, musculo skeletal and genito urinary systems are on display. A separate stall has been put up for Road Safety Awareness and a live demo is also extended to teach the students on the basics of first aid and basic life support. The expo provides an opportunity to learn about advanced surgical techniques in spine surgery, joint replacement surgery, complex limb surgery, fixation of fractures, limb re-implantation surgery and microvasuclar reconstructive surgery. The ‘Melting Man’ and the ‘Talking Head’ stalls are a real visual treat for the young ones. The exhibition is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.