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Sep 26, 2008

CCC Questioned Government

The Coimbatore Consumer Cause (CCC) has asked the Secretary to Government, Housing, to clear ambiguities on problems pertaining to land acquisitions by the Tamil Nadu Housing Board (TNHB). In a memorandum, the Secretary of CCC, K. Kathirmathiyon, pointed out that irrespective of the various stages of acquisition proceedings, the TNHB was trying to claim ownership over lands that were either excluded by the Government from acquisition proceedings or wherein the courts had passed orders in favour of the land owners.

Mr. Kathirmathiyon said that the Government had clearly stated in its letter number 39023/S2/87-6 dated September 22, 1988 that many of the survey numbers in Veerakeralam, Vadavalli, Vedapatti and Telungupalayam villages were excluded from acquisition by TNHB, since those survey numbers had already been approved by Director of Town & Country Planning, even before the publication of 4(1) notification for the acquisition.

When a clarification was sought for exclusion of acquisition for some survey numbers in Veerakeralam village, the Government clarified that they had already been excluded. When details were sought from TNHB, Coimbatore for exclusion of acquisition for some survey numbers based on the Government letter, the TNHB claimed that the 4(1) notification was not withdrawn because the acquisition amount paid to the land acquisition Tahsildar for the above areas, was not refunded to them.Though the land acquisition proceedings were in different stages such as award passed and land in the possession of TNHB, court case filed by the land owners, lapsed acquisition proceedings, court judgments in favour of the land owners and also instances such courts dismissing the appeals by TNHB, the TNHB, Coimbatore claimed that all the survey numbers were still under acquisition, irrespective of the court orders passed several years ago favouring the land owners.

This action of TNHB was not only illegal and unjustified but also condemnable. A lot of houses had been built in such survey numbers based on the above Government letter and based on the DTP approval. CCC wanted to know whether TNHB, after acquiring the land, demolish the houses, which were already built in the area and construct the houses under housing board scheme? The very purpose of housing development was to provide houses to the public, which was already been done by the house owners.

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