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Oct 25, 2008

National Seminar

The Department of Linguistics of the Bharathiar University will organise a national seminar on “e-Potentials of Tamil Language in Telecommunication” on October 31 and November 1. According to a university release, the seminar is expected to be attended by scholars from the fields of language, and engineering and technology.

Sponsored by Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education, the seminar will include topics such as e-dictionary for Tamil language, spell and grammar checks for Tamil, domain specific interactive voice response system in Tamil, text to speech and vice versa, and techniques for incorporating socio-linguistic variations in speech into the corpus of Tamil. Those interested in participating in the seminar, can register with C. Shanmugam, Head, Department of Linguistics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore; or call 0422-2425164.

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