CCC's Appeal

In respect of trap cases, the complainants have to provide the trap money. Normally, complainants were asked to use their money for trap to strengthen the case and prosecution. Even after legal process and logical conclusion of the case, there was an abnormal delay in refund of the money. There were cases where the money was not refunded even after several years. Such a trend was proving to be a penalty on the people who want to fight corruption. The trap money was more or less becoming a penalty imposed on those wanting to fight corruption.
If the provision of refund of equivalent money was followed, there would not be any complainant waiting for refund. Delay in refunding the trap money was actually discouraging complainants to fight corrupt practices. Since they were being made to part with the money for trapping an official and endlessly wait for the refund, most of the complainants get discouraged and they prefer to part with the money to the official to get their things done.