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Nov 9, 2008

Speed Brakers Confirm IRC

Police officials, along with engineers, measuring the hump width and height of the speed breakers in Coimbatore on Saturday. Speed breakers laid on many roads in the city as part of the recent micro-level traffic planning study programme to reduce accidents conform to the standards prescribed by the Indian Road Congress (IRC), said Commissioner of Police, Coimbatore City, K.C. Mahali, on Saturday.

Following reports about the speed breakers not being motorist-friendly, Mr. Mahali along with Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime and Traffic) K. Shanmugavel, Assistant Commissioners of Police Panchatcharam and K. Rajendran inspected them along with engineers from the Corporation, State Highways and National Highways. Roads belonging to the Corporation were surveyed by a team led by Corporation Engineer Ganeshwaran.

Mr. Mahali said the study programme was done in a scientific and systematic manner based on the accident mapping. Accident-prone pockets were identified and the reasons for accidents were analysed and suggestions put forth to traffic experts and engineers. The police identified only the spots that required speed breakers, barricades and lighting. As per the IRC report, the speed breakers should have a hump of 3.7 metre width and 0.10 metre height for a preferred crossing speed of 25 km per hour.

Mr. Mahali said the speed breakers in the city had a height in the range of 0.3 m to 0.6 m only. These had helped bring down the fatal accident rate from the highest of 40 per month to a lowest of 14 in October. Wherever the speed breakers proved to be not motorist-friendly, they were either re-designed or even removed. The speed breakers’ designs were scrutinised by measuring the elevation levels and vehicles were plied on them to check the ground clearance for the vehicles having a small diameter wheels.

The movement of the vehicle right from approaching the speed breaker to crossing it was photographed and videographed. Mr. Mahali also pointed out that not a single speed breaker could catch a motorist unawares, since instructions had been given to install a caution sign three metres before the speed breakers and paint white and black stripes on the speed breakers. The speed breakers witnessing flow of traffic at a steady pace was preceded by a small hump to alert the motorists, he pointed out.

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