Focus Will Be On Road Repairs - Corp

Complaints may largely be on potholes and these can be set right quickly, they say. Potholes are the major problems on roads and these may worsen with the rain. In some areas, roads dug for laying pipes or cables are a problem. The pits had been filled with mud in some areas. With the mud filling off because of heavy traffic, the pits are turning driving risky on some stretches. Three such cases are on East Periasamy Road and the Shanmugham Road-Cowley Brown Road junction at R.S. Puram. Vehicles hit the potholes if the lighting on the road is poor. A huge pothole stares menacingly at two-wheeler riders on Masakalipalayam Road.
The sources in the civic body say the potholes can be filled with concrete mix so that it does not wear off during rain. As for bigger works, the Corporation may resume the one on Sukrawarpet. The works did not take off because of the Model Code of Conduct during the elections. Apart from this, there are not many roads that are in dire need of repairs before the rain, the sources contend. In some places, roads need to be re-laid at points where drainage repairs had been carried out. The earth dug out has been spread unevenly, causing inconvenience to vehicle users.