Demanding an halt to the move to acquire lands near airport

The proposed area for acquisition involved huge extent of agricultural lands, industrial lands housing mills, manufacturing facilities, residential houses besides educational institutions. People who had invested their hard earned money would be dislocated because of the move to acquire lands.Under such circumstances, considering the future of the hundreds of middle income group families living in the area, the residents appealed to the Collector to drop the move for acquiring these habitations and sought an alternative plan for acquiring lands without habitations that would not result in any setback for the people.
Following the decision of the people to visit the Collectorate, anxious moments prevailed there and the City Police posted adequate reinforcements as a matter of precaution. The residents are contemplating on a series of agitations, including fast as well as hoisting black flags atop their houses as a mark of protest.The District Collector, Neeraj Mittal, reportedly told the residents to permit the authorities to conduct a survey so as to identify the extent of land required.Only then on knowing the alignment of the lands around the airport, the authorities could decide on avoiding areas with habitations to minimise inconvenience or dislocation of the people living there.He said that the sentiments of the people would be duly conveyed to the Government before arriving at any decision on the issue of acquisition, he clarified.