Gate Way 2008

The topics were given by the organisers and the focus of the year’s event is “India at her best in 2020,” said K. Pradeep Kumar, founder of the Elite Charitable Trust. “Only if students are given an opportunity to display their talents will they be able to prove themselves in a competitive environment such as the one we are living in now,” he added. Held for the ninth consecutive year, the competition would give away about 7,000 prizes.The first prize would be a cash award of Rs.5 lakh. The first prize winner would also be given a 100 per cent scholarship.
The second and third prize winners would get 50 and 25 per cent scholarships, Mr. Pradeep Kumar said. About 50 schools at the national-level would be eligible for gold medals, 100 for silver and 50 for bronze medals. The deserving schools would be selected on the basis of their performance in the past years’ competitions. According to Mr. Pradeep Kumar, the organisation holds four Limca Book of World records and three Guinness Book records.