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May 16, 2007

Advisory Committee for Sports met with Collector

The members of the District-level Standing Advisory Committee for Sports locked in serious discussion relating to sports and games with Collector Neeraj Mittal at the collectorate in Coimbatore on Monday.Strengthening infrastructure to enhance sports activities in the district was the mainstay of the discussions the members of the District-level Standing Advisory Committee for Sports had with Collector Neeraj Mittal at the DRDA Hall, Collectorate, here on Monday.

The members decided to strengthen the available infrastructure with support from both the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT) and the general public. "The SDAT has indicated to me that any sports project can be done on a sharing basis. So, let's make the best use of it. We can think of forming a kind of a registered sports society to raise contributions from the public for the improvement of sports facilities not only in the city but also in the taluk headquarters such as Tirupur, Udumalpet, Pollachi and Mettupalayam," said Mittal.

The setting up of an indoor stadium at the VOC Park Corporation Sports Complex courts, which looked bright a couple of months ago, now seems a distant dream with the Corporation not willing to part away with the prime land. For the record, a foundation stone was laid for an indoor stadium at the same place in the early eighties.The committee members instead suggested that four acres of land in the reserved site at the G.V. Residency, Sowripalayam, could be made use of for the construction of the indoor stadium. Meanwhile, the Government Polytechnic College on Avanashi Road has agreed in principle to give away a few acres for the purpose. It was decided to obtain the sketches and inspect them before taking a decision.

It was resolved at the meeting to have frequent technical audits by the committee members on laying of synthetic track and renovation of the football turf with G2 type grass at the Nehru Stadium. The Committee also decided to re-fix rent at Nehru Stadium complex. "The rent collected at the moment is too low compared to the market value. It should be re-fixed and increased by five per cent every year.Mr. Mittal requested the members in finding a way out to make aware the public in bringing their children to use the sports facilities provided in their areas through the `Anna Marumalarchi Scheme'.

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