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Apr 15, 2008

Anti-plastics Drive

As the Coimbatore Corporation demonstrates determination in enforcing the ban on disposable plastic items in the city from April 23, the focus is on how much will the general public and business establishments comply with the orders of the civic body.
Nilgiris Chairman M. Chellayan displays a bag with anti-plastics and environment protection slogans.

Shops are expected to discourage people from taking groceries or vegetables home in plastic carry bags. At the same time, the people will be told to take cloth bags with them while heading for purchases. The Corporation feels that there can be nothing greater than an anti-plastics initiative from business establishments. In such a situation, the oldest departmental store in the city – Nilgiris – has pledged its support to the Corporation’s drive.

“From day one, we will request our customers to join the Corporation’s efforts to achieve its goal,” says Nilgiris Chairman M. Chellayan. The store will ask customers to bring bags made of cloth or other eco-friendly material. Nilgiris has been trying for over four years to dissuade people from using plastic carry bags, even if these are above 20 microns. But, Mr. Chellayan admits there has been very little success. The daily customer flow at the store is between 2,000 and 3,000.

And not even one per cent of these people bring their own bags. After a few years of perseverance by the store, some customers are bringing the bags brought out by Nilgiris. It is made of non-woven fabric polypropelene. The bags are available at Rs.15 each. Those who use this get a one per cent discount on their bill in order to encourage them to shun the plastic bags the store has. Those who bring their own bags also get this discount.

The staff members at the counters explain the discount offer to customers, in order to discourage them from using the plastic bags. Mr. Chellayan points out that the plastic bags cannot be dumped totally in a very short time. The change will be gradual. In the process of explaining this, he reveals how vital is the role of business establishments in bringing about a change in the mindset.

“First, we spent more than Rs.8 lakh on making cloth bags and distributing them free of cost to our customers. We asked them to come with the bag for the next round of shopping. They did not. Then we tried out paper bags. But, the bags got torn when sharp objects were put into these. Then cloth and jute bags were also tried out. Now, the latest bags have been brought out by investing Rs.10 lakh,” he says.

Door delivery helps avoid plastic bags. “We pack items only in cardboard cartons,” he says. As for carrying things home, people should be made aware of the alternatives. They will then shun plastics, Mr. Chellayan points out. Therefore, it is important to sensitise children from the school level. “Working for clean environs must become a habit, right from their home,” he emphasises. Mr. Chellayan has a simple message: “When your shopping is planned, why not carry a bag?” He is optimistic that there will be a change when the Government machinery and the people work together for it.

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