Action Plan To Reduce Road Accidents

The programme initially concentrated on major roads coming under the purview of State and National Highways. The remedial measures included setting up of barricade, centre median, speed breakers that helped in bringing down accidents. Next to the major roads, the police are now focussing on Corporation roads that accounted for an accident rate ranging from 35 per cent to 45 per cent. As part of the initiative, the City Police Commissioner, K.C. Mahali, and the Corporation Commissioner, Anshul Mishra, inspected Corporation roads for identifying minor engineering defects.
The officials along with Corporation engineers and traffic police officials inspected various roads. The prioritising of roads were done on the basis of accident mapping, i.e., the previous history of accidents. Mr. Mahali said that Mr. Anshul Mishra had promised support to initiate remedial measures such as ensuring adequate illumination, speed breakers, barricading of inter junctions and periodical removal of canopies of trees that obstructed vision.