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Sep 14, 2007

Internet centre at BU inaugurated

P. Venkat Rangan, Vice-Chancellor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (right) and G. Thiruvasagam, Vice-Chancellor, Bharathiar University (second right), at the inauguration of the Internet Centre of Bharathiar University in the city recently.“Computer is a high speed idiot. One should not get caught in the ‘maya’ of the Internet. You should be careful not to get submerged in it. Learn to keep your head above the water and use it to develop an interdisciplinary approach”, P. Venkat Rangan, Vice-Chancellor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, said here on Monday.

Inaugurating the internet centre of Bharathiar University, he cautioned students against lack of discipline in using the Internet.The state-of-the-art centre that had been set up at a cost of Rs. 30 lakh, housed 90 systems with the latest configurations.Hailing the Internet as a great equaliser, he said it played a great role in bringing students who study here and in Harvard on the same plane in terms of information. G. Thiruvasagam, Vice-Chancellor, Bharathiar University, exhorted the faculty and students to make optimal use of the centre.

The university was getting ready to throw open a brand new language laboratory the following week.The laboratory was expected to aid the Chinese students who would be pursuing graduate and postgraduate degree programmes in English. A smart card to be distributed to each students and faculty members was under preparation.The card should be used for entry into the library, Internet centre, language laboratory and for other administrative purposes too, said Dr. Thiruvasagam.

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