Youth Wing For Disability Services

Use of the youth wing for counselling parents and persons with disabilities
Facilitated by the UDIS (You and the Disabled) Forum, the youth wing consists of student volunteers of social work departments of colleges in Coimbatore. The GRD School of Social Work, where the wing was inaugurated, will serve as the nodal agency.“The UDIS Forum plans to make use of the youth wing for counselling parents and persons with disabilities for promoting education and employment,” said M.N.G. Mani, president, UDIS Forum.
Earlier a Memorandum of Understanding between the UDIS Forum and the GRD College of Science was signed.A.Ponnusamy, Principal of the GRD College, attended the programme. Subrajeet Choudhury from GRD College was elected president of the Executive Committee of the wing and D. Priyanka from PSG College of Arts and Science was chosen the secretary.