Ban On Disposable Plastic Items From April 14

The Corporation Council had resolved to impose a ban, noting that the city’s environment was getting increasingly polluted by reckless dumping of plastics. The dumping of plastic bottles, cups and bags in the drainage often choked the lines. This led to bursts in the lines and sewage overflow on roads. The Corporation also wanted to impose the ban because layers of plastic waste in the soil prevented recharging of ground water table.The Corporation Council had resolved to impose a ban
The civic body sounded a countdown to the ban with the administering of an anti-plastics pledge to elected representatives, officials and teachers and students of its schools. Those who took the pledge included Mayor R. Venkatachalam, Deputy Mayor N. Karthik, Corporation Commissioner V.K. Shanmugham, Deputy Commissioner V. Shanta and health department officials. Chairman of the Council’s Standing Committee on Health P. Nachimuthu and leaders of the parties were the others. The Corporation said it would organise various programmes in the run-up to the ban in order to create awareness among the people on the dangers of plastics and the need for the ban.