Communication Project For Hearing Impairment
In this regard, a training workshop for teachers handling students with hearing impairment was conducted by the Department of Special Education of Avinashilingam University. The workshop focussed on oral and sign language skills. Teachers from 15 schools exclusively for children with hearing impairment attended the workshop.
“Though teachers in special schools and integrated education systems have degrees in special education, most of them are not up-to-date in the new developments taking place in the field of disability,” said Premavathy Vijayan, Head of the Department of Special Education. Technology had played a big role in making lives easier for people with disabilities and teachers especially, should be made aware of these technological developments, she added. The workshop aimed at empowering them with newer teaching techniques in oral and sign language communication.
The university would offer its technical support for the project on a continuous basis, Ms.Premavathy added. The Rotary Clubs would extend financial help for the project, Mr. Murali said. Vice-Chancellor of Avinashilingam University, Saroja Prabhakaran, inaugurated the workshop. Suresh S.Lund, president, Rotary Club of Coimbatore Texcity, Michael W.Morgan, Managing Director, Ishara Foundation Mumbai, C.Jasmine, District Disabled Rehabilitation Officer, Coimbatore and M.Alagirisamy, President of Rotary Club Coimbatore West, took part.