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Oct 25, 2008

Coimbatore Tea Action

The demand was slightly less from exporters and north Indian buyers at the Coimbatore tea auction last week. The buyer participation was less and it was attributed to the forthcoming Diwali festival. Tea Trade Association of Coimbatore secretary S Sreekumar told that the dwindling demand is due to the fewer number of orders from north India. “It is because of the Diwali season that the buyers participation has reduced and thus we have no auction this week on October 24,” he added. He said, the next auction would take place on October 31.

Last week, there was selective enquiry for whole leaf grades from internal buyers in the orthodox tea segment. The orthodox dust category met with fair demand from a few exporters and internal buyers and the prices were irregular and sold lower than the previous week. According to market sources, substantial value of the medium teas that fetch over Rs 80 per kg was withdrawn for want of bids.

However, bolder export type grades met some demand and were irregular and lower. While internal buyers and exporters were selective, HUL, Tata and Pakistan exporters did not operate. The demand was better in CTC dust segment, where the plainer teas sold Rs 2-3 per kg more than previous week. AVT, Indco and Tata operated on selective lines.

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