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Nov 10, 2008

Diabetic Blindness Awarness Rally

Students participating in the Diabetic Blindness Awarness rally organised by the Lotus Eye Care Hospital in Coimbatore on Sunday. (And right) A diabetes exhibition held at the Kovai Diabetes Speciality Centre and Hospital in Coimbatore. Children and adolescents have become more prone to diabetes owing to a sedentary lifestyle, over indulgence in the fast food culture and increased levels of stress. Recognising the magnitude of the issue, the International Diabetes Federation, an alliance of several diabetes associations from over 160 countries, will observe the World Diabetes Day on November 14 with special focus on prevention of diabetes in children and adolescents.

R. Balamurugan, Chief Diabetologist, Kovai Diabetes Speciality Centre and Hospital, Ramnagar, told The Hindu physical activity has gone down considerably among students. A study conducted in the U.K. has shown that the number of hours of television viewing is directly proportional to the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes, he says. Though people are talking about diabetes, the awareness, especially among the parents, is still very low. Parents rarely encourage their children to play at home and do not monitor their eating habits.

An informal study carried out by the Kovai Diabetes Speciality Centre in a few schools in Coimbatore has revealed that a sizeable number of children are obese. The reason can be attributed to their high-calorie food intake and reduced physical exercise. Most children have noodles and white bread for lunch, which are very high in calories, Dr.Balamurugan notes. “Healthy food does not mean high calorie food. And, parents must ensure that the children are compulsorily encouraged to play,” he says.

Also, children should be discouraged from eating whenever they want to eat. “The principle applies not just to children but, anyone,” Dr.Balamurugan says. A multi-factorial disease, the risk of diabetes is not entirely dependent on family history. Reckless lifestyle coupled with stress can lead to diabetes. However, modifying the lifestyle, limiting food and reducing stress can prevent it. Regular check up of blood sugar levels is also advisable, he says. Stress can be reduced to a certain extent by proper planning and time management.

The Kovai Diabetes Speciality Centre is organising an exhibition to create awareness on the disease, its prevention and control. The stalls display food items that constitute a healthy diet and essential fruits and vegetables. Alternative sugars that diabetics can use, the latest technological advances in diagnosis and treatment and posters on foods suitable for diabetics have been displayed in English and Tamil. The exhibition is on till 14. The hospital will organise drawing and oratorical competitions for school students and poetry contest for college students on the topic, “Diabetes,” on November 14 at the Sri Ayyappan Puja Sangham.

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