150 Years Of Tamil Nadu Police Celebrations At Coimbatore

The exhibition has been organised to create awareness about the functioning of the police among the public. It will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for 15 days. The stalls put up by the police display uniforms of the police force at various stages from colonial days. Weapons used by the force too are on display. A stall put up by the Anti-Sabotage Teams of the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad of the City Police showcases the various types of explosives used by terrorists. Telephone bombs, tiffin box bombs, plastic can bombs draw the attention of the visitors. Explosives detectors such as mine detectors, hand held metal detectors, door frame metal detectors and other gadgets too are on display besides the methodology to identity, detect and defuse explosives.
Charts, photographs and police procedures relating to crime prevention, detection, patrolling have been arranged in other stalls. Various ongoing projects of the City Police such as community policing, micro level traffic planning, road safety measures, road rules and violations, counselling and guidance offered by the All Women Police Stations in family and matrimonial disputes are explained to visiting public. The film Uyir brought out along with Ganga Hospital on road safety and the need to prevent road accidents will be screened. One of the stalls also has photographs and charts relating to road accidents and road rules to be adhered to. The exhibition will provide insight into the functioning of the police and the challenges involved in policing, Mr.Mahali said. The grievance redress mechanism for the public and the police personnel was explained in one of the stalls.
An inter-school debate competition in English and Tamil would be organised at the police station level, sub-division level and then at the city level. Competitions in painting and essay writing too will be held. The police will play a volley ball match against members of the public. A marathon will be organised in the first week of February for school and college students besides a ‘pattimandram.’ There will also be an inter-unit band competition among the police personnel, Mr.Mahali said.