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Feb 5, 2009

International Congress On Global Warming

The Department of Zoology of the School of Life Sciences of Bharathiar University will organise an International Congress of Global Warming on “Bio-diversity of Insects: Management and Conservation” from February 9 to 12. According to a release, the conference will discuss global warming in relation to insect bio-diversity and control the disease causing insects to conserve insect pollinators.

Some of the themes that will be discusses will be impact of global warming on conservation / management of animals, on insect migration and behaviour, on conservation and management of forestry and veterinary insects, Global Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) on insects, etc. Oral and paper presentations are invited on the above themes. For details, contact K. Murugan, Organising Secretary, on 0422-2422222 (492), or 98948-32849, or e-mail to kmvvk@yahoo.com.

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