Red Cross Released Family News Service

R. Nandini, Honorary Secretary of the association, released the service details and it was received by P.M. Murali, Treasurer. The service will help any person in India trace his or her near and dear one in any part of the world. It is being offered free of cost. Applications seeking information about missing family members can be submitted to any of the 186 Red Cross or Federation of Red Crescent Associations. Refugees, migrants, missing children and their families are eligible to avail themselves of the service. However, the association does not guarantee that the missing person will be found. It is based on the quantum of information given, last communication, the time lapsed, etc. Those wishing to utilise the service, may do so by contacting the Indian Red Cross Society at Red Cross Towers, 8/26, Huzur Road, Coimbatore – 641018.