Productivity need to improved in teaching !
He was delivering the graduation address at Sri Ramalinga Sowdambigai College of Science and Commerce. He said use of effective new technology teaching aids would increase productivity in teaching. But poor printing of textbooks was a cause for concern. He also said that charts and models took resources and money to prepare them and storage and retrieval of them presented a formidable problem. Later, the entry of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projectors was seen. Due to high costs, only a few schools and colleges could afford them. A good substitute was the power point presentation.
He pointed out the various advantages of such presentations from the point of preparing as well as using them. “The use of new technologies like good 3D models can be prepared using AutoCad of Solid Works or ProE or Unigraphics. The drawings and models can be animated using Macromedia Flash, 3D Max and similar animation softwares,” said Mr. Vasudevan.
Virtual laboratories were another aid he recommended. “Virtual laboratories duplicate real laboratories. Virtual laboratories are extremely useful for teaching physics and chemistry experiments. They are absolutely safe and cost almost nothing.”
Mr. Vasudevan said that once a technology was found to work well, it should be made a national standard. Anyone who came out with an alternative or a better method should be encouraged to do so.