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Sep 26, 2008

DRDO's Chief Controller At Coimbatore

W. Selvamurthy, Distinguished Scientist and Chief Controller, DRDO, delivering the Evangeline Endowment Lecture at Karunya University in Coimbatore on Wednesday. The organisation that started with a mission to advise the services in defence technologies, has today evolved to ensure strategic defence as well as provide state-of-the-art tactical weapon systems, said W. Selvamurthy, Distinguished Scientist and Chief Controller (Life Sciences and Human Resources) of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

He was delivering the Evangeline Memorial Endowment Lecture at the Karunya University, here on Wednesday. With its constant research and development efforts, the DRDO had gained the confidence of public sector units, industry, business leaders and the Armed Forces. It had emerged as a strong science and technology force. It was also increasingly involving the scientific and academic community in its indigenous research and development efforts.

“India, though low in the Human Development Index, has the unenviable position of being one of the world’s largest weapon purchasers, importing defence equipment worth more than Rs. 40,000 crore annually. The imported technologies are not really designed for us. Moreover, no country will ever offer the latest technologies to us. Given our vast borders, stringent climatic conditions, large capital acquisitions and immense costs, it is imperative that we look towards home-grown technologies,” Mr. Selvamurthy said. He said the DRDO had achieved an appreciable level of self reliance in NBC defence technologies and large quantities of these products were already delivered to the defence forces. Life support technologies and products developed by DRDO had significantly enhanced the health and operational efficiency of soldiers operating in extremes of environmental and operational conditions.
“It is high time that we as a nation switched roles from being a purchaser to a seller of Defence equipment. It will substantially boost our Gross Domestic Product. Our dependence on the developed countries for uninterrupted supply of critical accessories, spares and life cycle support, can only then be minimised,” he asserted. Mr. Selvamurthy said the DRDO was responsible for generating a large pool of dedicated trained manpower.

“Our scientists are contributing a good number of national and international patents, Intellectual Property Rights, copyrights, designs, trademarks, etc. Thereby, DRDO has been a true “knowledge bank” for the nation and holder of vast intellectual property.” Chancellor Paul Dhinakaran, Vice-Chancellor Paul P. Appasamy, and Registrar Anne Mary Fernandez, spoke.

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