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Nov 11, 2008

1st Aid Training At Stanes School

A doctor from Ortho One demonstrating mouth to mouth resuscitation at a session on first aid organised at Stanes School in Coimbatore. More than 12 lakh people die in road accidents world-wide out of which 80,000 are in India. A majority of them die owing to lack of timely and proper first aid. The importance of first aid and the method of administering first aid to an accident victim were demonstrated by experts from Ortho One, an orthopaedic speciality centre in Coimbatore, at a session organised for the students of Stanes School, recently.

David.V.Rajan, J.Clement Joseph and Sekhar Michael, specialists from the centre, gave lectures on the various aspects of on basic life support and trauma care. In an accident scene, the first thing to be done was to ensure that it was safe for the person witnessing the accident as well as the victim before rushing to help, Dr.Jospeh said. Only after ensuring safety should the witness attend to the victim. After making sure that the person was breathing, they could ask for help. The pulse should be checked in the neck region.

As most victims died in the first hour of the accident, the victim should be taken to the hospital within one hour of the accident. This period was called the ‘golden hour.’ Also, the human brain could not survive without oxygen for more than four minutes. First aid should be administered within the first four minutes in case of head injury. In case of fractures, the broken limb should be supported by something strong, Dr.Joseph said. He advised the students to always carry a first aid kit with them.

The cell phone could be used to seek help. Even if the phone did not have a SIM card or signal, the emergency call would go through, he said. In an emergency, 112 could be called. Dr. Sekhar Michael demonstrated mouth to mouth resuscitation and explained the way to perform it. If the victim is not breathing, the chin of the victim should be lifted so that the tongue did not fall back and block air passage, he said. Pinch the nostrils and then blow air into the victim three to four times.

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