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Nov 14, 2007

Suguna Plans Value Added Eggs

Andaa ka funda is changing now. With consumerism going great guns, poultry sector is now planning to add value to eggs. If the poultry sector’s plan goes well, soon eggs — brown and white — will be sold at shops fortified with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acid.

Even though it is a common thing in Western countries, the spurt in organised retailing in India has made poultry firms to look at this opportunity seriously. A fortified egg would fetch Rs 3 a piece against Rs 1.80 for the normal egg. Suguna Poultry, a Coimbatore-based integrated poultry firm, will soon launch an ad blitz to expand its reach for its value added products to Delhi and Mumbai.

The company currently sells Suguna Pro, the protein and Vitamin A rich egg, in top cities in the South and Pune. It has two more value added egg products – Suguna Heart and Suguna Active. The current volume of sales in this category is very low.

But if growth for such products in Europe is any indication, the company will soon witness a steep growth in this area. Again, value added eggs would mean higher returns for the farmer.

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