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Apr 17, 2009

K.G. Design Services build solar demonstrator

Chairman and Managing Director of Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency Mohan Verghese Chunkath inaugurated a technology demonstrator for a solar thermal power plant prototype here on Thursday.

The demonstrator has been built by K.G. Design Services, a division of K.G. Information Systems, for the solar thermal power plant that it plans to install in Sivaganaga District. K.G. Design Services plans to connect one MW to the grid before the end of 2009 from the plant, according to S. P.Viswanathan, president of the K.G. Design Services.

The company has also applied to the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for its generation-based incentive scheme. The Ministry gives Rs. 10 a unit for solar thermal power generation and Rs. 12 a unit for solar photovoltaic projects under the scheme.

With a 30-member team, K.G. Design Services started developing the technology almost a year ago to capture solar energy and use the energy to power a steam turbine.

The technology demonstrator has a receiver placed at 12 metres height from the ground. The receiver has a cavity covered with boro silicate glass. On the ground, eight panels of mirrors, each measuring two metre by 12 metre, are placed on adjustable, steel supports. The position of the mirrors is adjusted so that the sun’s rays collected by the mirrors reflect on the receiver throughout the day. Steam at 200 to 350 degree Celsius powers the turbine that is connected to an electrical generator.

Mr. Viswanathan says the technology will now be experimented for various parameters and improvements will be made.Ashok Bakthavatsalam, Managing Director of K.G. Information Systems, said the company had invested about Rs. 2.5 crore so far in the project.

Mr. Chunkath said in solar thermal, the energy generated could be stored and the technology could be completely indigenous.

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