FIEO president received Padmashri ..

President FIEO is also known for his unforgetful contribution to the growth of Indian textile industry and especially for development of MSME segment. Mr Sakthivel single handedly brought the little known town Tirupur on the World map and made it nucleus of knitwear exports from India.
Mr Sakthivel, Managing Director, Poppy’s Knitwear, Tirupur is also President of Tirupur Exporters Association(TEA). Mr Sakthivel is on the Board of Director with the IDBI Bank. In addition, he is a member on the Small Scale Industries Board, Govt. of India, the Board of Trade of the Commerce Ministry and the National Advisory Committee of SIDBI. Mr Sakthivel is also Director of New Tirupur Development Corporation. He also holds the positions of Chairman of the India Knit Fair Association and President of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Coimbatore.