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May 13, 2009

Free Eye checkup ..

Vasan Eye Care Hospital at R.S. Puram has announced free master eye check-up for persons below 18 years of age and above 50.Explaining why these two age groups are being covered, Chief of Paediatric Eye Care Department Sundaresh said in a press release that the paediatric population was in the 0-15 age group.

Defects in the eye that occurred during childhood and early adolescence should be detected soon and treated. If left untreated, these could lead to irreversible blindness.A close watch must be kept on young children as they would not be able to complain of any problem in the eye and the problem could go unnoticed. School children were now screened for defects, but those in the pre-school stage were still at the risk of being missed.

People above 50 were mostly dependent on their relatives for check-up to identify the exact cause of problems in the eye.Though health packages were being offered, very little importance was being given to eye diseases.

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