Workshop on Audiology

Titled “Recent Trends in Audiology”, the meet is to update ENT (ear, nose, throat) surgeons and other professionals in this field, Managing Director of the centre S. Muralidharan and audiologist Tharani Muralidharan said on Thursday. A free check-up for children would be done from June 1 to 15.
They said that early detection of hearing defects was important for effective treatment. A child should be able to speak two or three words when it was one or one-and-a-half years old. If there was any delay in speaking, it should be taken to a speech diagnostic centre.Early detection would help determine what type of treatment was needed. Counselling for parents was equally important. Ears were more of psycho-social organs as the lack of hearing ended in a stigma being attached to the patient. This led to people going in for treatment only when they had lost 60 to 80 per cent of hearing.
The meet would also provide an update on the latest digital hearing aid. The advantage was that the aid need not be changed when the hearing deteriorates. It could be programmed to match the current requirement.