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Sep 20, 2007

BSNL opend new facility

The Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Coimbatore, has opened a new facility by posting customer relations managers.In a release, the BSNL said that K. Usman Ali and Mohammed Marakkayar have been designated as back end customer relations officers for redressing the grievances of customers as well as public on telecom complaints.The cell could be accessed at Room Number 001, Ground Floor of the office of the Principal General Manager, Bharati Park Road II, Mettuppalayam Road, and at phone numbers 2434700, 2432200. The residential phone numbers are 2647686/2414499 or at mobile phone numbers 94861-01041, 94861-00966.

BSNL Coimbatore has announced that the new landline/WLL connections booked up to October 31, 2007 would fetch offer of waiver of installation charges of Rs. 500 for urban areas and Rs. 300 for rural areas.The security deposit would be payable in six instalments.For local and 95 facility, Rs. 100 is to be paid at the time of booking and the balance of Rs. 400 in five instalments at the rate of Rs. 80 per month would be billed along with the next five books.For STD facility, Rs. 250 is to be paid at the time of booking and the balance of Rs. 750 would be claimed in five instalments along with the telephone bills.

The BSNL has despatched the basic phone (Bfone) bills dated September 5, 2007 for Coimbatore Telecom area through post offices. Customers are requested to pay the telephone bills well before the pay-by-date (i.e., September 25)BSNL has announced the launch of flexi top-up coupons of Rs. 10 and Rs. 30 through c-top up in Tamil Nadu circle. Customers of prepaid mobile phones are requested to make use of the opportunity.For clarifications they could contact the customer care at 95-422-2454545.

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