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Jul 21, 2008

Isha's “Anandha Alai”

Isha Foundation is conducting “Anandha Alai”, a series of seven-day yoga training programmes, in seven places across the State. The series, which began on July 16 in Coimbatore, will get over with “Anandha Sangamam” on August 23 where all the trainees will come together in the presence of the founder Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Swami Prabhodha, a representative of the foundation, told a press conference here on Saturday.

“From April to August we plan to cover some 50,000 people. Creating awareness about yoga is the aim of this programme. The seven day basic programme is being offered in Tamil and also in English in some places,” he said. The programmes are being conducted in Chennai, Madurai, Erode, Tiruchi and Coimbatore. In Coimbatore alone the programme was being held in 40 areas. The next series will begin on July 23 at the Sathyanarayana Hall, Tatabad. The foundation is also distributing 1.5 lakh compact discs on yoga free of cost to participants. Those interested can contact 97908-96808 / 98422-16196 for registration; or visit the website: www.ishafoundation.org for details.

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